Thursday, July 24, 2008


Ctrl+P Journal of Contemporary Art ( is one of two current contemporary art publications in the Philippines where few serious art publications on contemporary art are often delayed, appear sporadically, and are crippled by high cost of printing. Ctrl+P was founded by Judy Freya Sibayan and Flaudette May V. Datuin as a response to this dearth of critical publications. Published and circulated as a PDF, it is a downloadable and printable publication that takes advantage of the digital medium‚s fluidity, immediacy, ease and accessibility. It is circulated and reproduced by its editors and its readers from all over the world.

Ctrl+P provides a testing ground for a whole new culture/praxis of publishing that addresses very specifically the difficulties of publishing art criticism in the Philippines. The creators of this publication feel that art criticism should be a productive endeavor which challenges artists to produce formalistically, critically and theoretically responsible works. Without serious and sensitive critics, there can be no mature artists and without critical dialogue, there can be no responsive and responsible audiences deserving their artistry.

Ctrl+P writers take care not to write in an esoteric „artspeak‰ jargon. On the other hand, we also do not want to water down our criticism and sacrifice rigor for comprehensibility. Ctrl+P wishes to achieve a balance between these two equally elitist tendencies (artspeak and writing reductively so we can be understood). Knowing fully well that this negotiation is one fraught with peril, we also focus on the promise and premise of this negotiation.

For periodical announcements of current issues, please email us a blank message at and we will put you in our mailing list.
Ctrl+P is a part of the documenta 12 magazines online project: